Tsurayuki Murakami Director & Lead Orthotist
Tsurayuki is an accredited Prosthetist/ Orthotist (ISPO Category 1) with a BSc (Hons) in Prosthetics and Orthotics from the University of Strathclyde. He was awarded the Ministry of Health’s Health Manpower Development Award to pursue specialist training in advanced orthotic technologies in Germany and Sweden. His expertise includes cranial remolding therapy and lower limb orthotic solutions, with an interest in the adoption of digital technologies to optimise treatment outcomes.
Meet Our Head Orthotist!
Tsurayuki was a Senior Prosthetist and Orthotist at Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH) and played a pivotal role in the infantile cranial orthotic (helmet) service. In the public service, he ran the paediatric orthotic services at KK Hospital (KKH) and established the Prosthetics and Orthotics service at Khoo Teck Puat Hospital (KTPH).
He also collaborates with clinicians in the National Neuroscience Institute (NNI) and National University Hospital (NUH) in the management of paediatric and adult neurological patients. He was actively engaged in the training and education of Prosthetists and Orthotists at a national level, and speaks at multiple local and international conferences.
Awards & Recognitions
Allied Health (Silver) Award for poster titled: “The influence of treatment compliance on the effectiveness of cranial remodelling orthosis for deformational plagiocephaly
Best Poster (Allied Health/Nursing ) Award for poster titled: “How effective is cranial orthotics in the management of deformational plagiocephaly and is visual screening sufficient in determining its need?
Tan Tock Seng Hospital Allied Health & Pharmacy Clinical Educator Awards
Tan Tock Seng Hospital Allied Health & Pharmacy Clinical Educator Awards
National Healthcare Innovation and Productivity (NHIP) Medal
From Ministry Of Health (MOH) for specialist training in advanced orthotic technologies in Germany and Sweden
Best overall clinical and academic performance
Identification of Secondary Biomechanical Abnormalities in the Lower Limb Joints after Chronic Transtibial Amputation: A Proof-of-Concept Study Using SPM1D Analysis. Bioengineering (Basel). 2022;9(7):293. June 30, 2022.
Method and Apparatus for Mechanical Testing of An Orthosis. Issued March 7, 2019, WORLD Patent No. 2019045646 A1.
Outcomes of knee disarticulation and the influence of surgical techniques in dysvascular patients: A systematic review. Prosthet Orthot Int. 2016;40(4):423-435. August 1, 2016